
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Valentine's Day

DIY Valentine's Day Card

If you are looking for a new gift idea for V-Day, well you've come to the right place! 
I don't know about you, but I always prefer receiving handmade gifts because they are personal and thoughtful. So, here is my creation:

There is nothing more simple to make for this occassion. It's quick, easy, and shows you care :-)

Here is how to make it:

(I made a small card but you can make it any size you want)

You will need:

-construction paper (at least 4 different colors)
-a pencil
-a ruler
-a pair of scissors

First you want to pick out which colored paper you want to use as the card and as the flowers. Mesure and cut the card to your liking and fold it in half. To make the vase, hold the card folded-side facing the hand you cut with. Now cut a small portion of the folded side of the card diagnolly up (1/4 of the way down). Cut as much or as little you want for an either bigger or smaller vase. Open the card and fold it back up again pushing the triangle shape towards you. I don't know if that is clear enough so here is a picture of what it should look like:

Now cut about 6 thin strips of green or whichever colored paper for the stems. Make different sizes so the flowers don't all overlap.
For perfectly symetrical hearts, I folded the colored paper in half and cut out half of a heart (big or small). 
Glue everything to your liking making sure to place the stems low enough to see that they are in the vase and voila!
You can now personnalize the outside of the card and write your special message :)

I hope you enjoyed this post but before you go, here is a fun Valentine's day fact: Every year for Valentine's day, over 50 million roses are given worldwide. <3

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